Amidst a beautiful Swedish landscape and a military training area lives the solemn farmer Sven Axel, who never left the area, but secretly dreams of being a filmmaker. It is the several kinds of stones around his lands that are his first point of interest to film. He works hard all year long, but in the space between night and day, on the daily bike ride between the woods and the farmhouse, philosophizes over topics that go way beyond the borders of his old-fashioned routine. Slowly, Sven slowly starts exploring his wish to film stones, and shares his thoughts and ideas about fictional film with the director and the audience. Slowly, the landscape reveals its scars and players. Within its course, the film takes a look at the decision-makers of how a landscape is being shaped and likewise extends the cinematic room, by inviting the protagonist to participate in shaping the film and its story.

Produced by:
Anna Friedrich with ROSENPICTURES Filmproduktion GbR

Funded By:
Werkleitz e.V.

Sven Axel Nilsson
Ruth Nilsson
Simon Johansson
Sara Jones
Joakim Ivarsson
Anna Friedrich
Vidar Lång

Sound Recording:
Anna Friedrich
Maximilian Glaß
André Görbing
Johan Nilsson
Leo Maria Rocker
Andrea Rüthel

Sound Mix:

Wolfgang Liebig

Mohamad El-Hadidi