In the forerun of a planned cooperation with the GEGENkino Festival we thought - why wait, when there are films that can be shown before? So let's occupy the Green Salon of the Schaubühne Lindenfels, join forces with GEGENkino and show two impressive documentaries that focus as if with a burning glass on what could be called «the German present».

20 November 2018
8 pm, Green Salon, Schaubühne Lindenfels

The Effect of Cannonry on Thunderclouds
D: Stefanie Schroeder, Juliane Jaschnow I Germany 2017 I OV with subtitles I '30

D: Marie Wilke I Germany 2018 I OV I '92

There will be a discussion after the films with:
Alexander Gheorghiu, DOP: Aggregat and Juliane Jaschnow & Stefanie Schroeder, Directors: The Effect of Cannonry on Thunderclouds
Moderation by: Amos Borchert (GEGENkino), Jonas Matauschek (FILZ)