.mpeg proudly presents:

Коли старі жінки співають, їх голоси лунають у Всесвіті
When old women sing, their voices echo through the universe
Dmytro Starusiev, 2015, 34'

Somewhere far in the east of Ukraine, among the empty and cold steppe, voices of women can be heard. In hard, hopeless times, when chaos is on the loose – we can only oppose it with love and grief. Song, the genetic code of the people, remains the ultimate form of sincerity.

In the window of the moving picture experimental garage .mpeg, FILZ regularly presents video art. Located on Lützner Straße 39 in Leipzig, .mpeg operates daily from 7–11 pm.

Funded by:
Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig

© Filmstills, Коли старі жінки співають, їх голоси лунають у Всесвіті, Dmytro Starusiev, 2015